Harald Haarmann

Harald Haarmann, Ph.D.

Harald HaarmannHarald Haarmann, Ph.D., earned his doctorate in linguistics at Bonn University in 1970 and his Habilitation at Trier University in 1979 with a two-volume study on the linguistics of Balkan languages. He has received a number of prestigious fellowships, has taught at universities in Germany and Japan, and is currently working as an independent scholar doing research in the fields of language and culture studies, archaeomythology, and archaeolinguistics. As a linguist, he is fluent in German, English, French, Italian, Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish, and Japanese, and has a working knowledge of Swedish, Dutch, Estonian, Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian, ancient Greek, Latin, Occitan, and Welsh. His publications include more than forty books in German, English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Italian in the following fields: general linguistics, contact linguistics, sociolinguistics, comparative linguistics, history of writing, culture studies, ethnic studies, archaeology, history of religion and mythology. Among these monographs are several series: Five studies on the languages of Europe (1975, 1979-84, 1993); four studies on the global history of writing (1990, 1992, 1995, 2002); eight studies on the languages and peoples of the world (3 vols. in 2001, 2 vols. in 2002, 2 vols. in 2004, 1 vol. in 2005). He has authored c. 190 articles and essays in scientific journals and other publications, has edited and co-edited numerous journal volumes on linguistics, and has recently co-edited the Wieser encyclopaedia of the languages of Western Europe.  Dr. Haarmann is a member of the research team of the “Research Centre on Multilingualism” in Brussels, and is a member of the EU scientific committee supervising “Euromosaic III,” providing documentation of regional languages and cultures in the new EU member states.  He is the recipient of numerous awards and honors including the “Prix logos,” (from the Association européenne des linguistes et des professeurs de langues, Paris) and the “Premio Jean Monnet” award (for essay writing, Genova, Italy).

Educational Background

Habilitation, qualification at professorship level, Trier University (with a two-volume study on linguistics of Balkan languages)

Ph.D., Linguistics, Bonn University (with a study on Celtic-Latin language contacts)

University studies at Hamburg, Bonn, Coimbra (Portugal), Bangor (Wales). Fields of study: General linguistics, Romance philology, Slavic languages, Finno-Ugric languages, archaeology

Professional Background

Teaching and research activities at universities in Germany and Japan

Languages (active)

German, English, French, Italian, Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish, Japanese

Languages (passive)

Swedish, Dutch, Estonian, Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian, ancient Greek, Latin, Occitan, Welsh

Fellowships and Scholarships

Fellow of the “Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,” Tokyo, Japan.

Fellow of the “Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung,” Bonn, Germany.

Jewish Memorial Foundation scholarship, New York. Support for a study on the Jewish diaspora in the Soviet Union

Institutional Affiliations

Vice President and Director of the Institute of Archaeomythology (European office: Luumäki/Finland). Member of the research team of the “Research Centre on Multilingualism,” Brussels. Member of the EU scientific committee supervising “Euromosaic III” (for documentation of regional languages and cultures in the new EU member states), 2004.


More than 50 books in German, English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Italian in the following fields: general linguistics, contact linguistics, sociolinguistics, comparative linguistics, history of writing, culture studies, ethnic studies, archaeology, history of religion and mythology. He has also authored more than 200 articles and essays in scientific journals and other publications.

Among the book monographs are several series:

  • 5 studies on the languages of Europe (1975, 1979-84, 1993),
  • 4 studies on the global history of writing (1990, 1992, 1995, 2002)
  • 8 studies on the languages and peoples of the world (3 vols. in 2001,
  • 2 vols. in 2002, 2 vols. in 2004, 1 vol. in 2005);
  • 14 edited volumes; 6 volumes co-edited.

Selected Volume

Plato’s Philosophy Reaching Beyond the Limits of Reason – Contours of a contextual theory of truth. Hildesheim: Olms. forthcoming).

Plato on Women – Revolutionary ideas for gender equality in an ideal society (Cambria, 2016).

Auf den Spuren der Indoeuropäer – Von den neolithischen Steppennomaden bis zu den frühen Hochkulturen. Munich: C. H. Beck.

Myths as Source of Knowledge in Early Western Thought – The quest for historiography, science and philosophy in Greek antiquity (Harrassowitz, 2015).

Roots of Ancient Greek Civilization – The influence of Old Europe (McFarland, 2014).

Ancient Knowledge, Ancient Know-how, Ancient Reasoning – Cultural memory in transition from prehistory to classical antiquity and beyond (Cambria, 2013).

Mythos Demokratie – Antike Herrschaftsmodelle im Spannungsfeld von Egalitätsprinzip und Eliteprinzip. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Indo-Europeanization, Day One – Elite recruitment and the beginnings of language politics (Harrassowitz 2012).

Writing as Technology and Cultural Ecology – Explorations of the human mind at the dawn of history. Frankfurt/ New York:  Peter Lang.

Das Rätsel der Donauzivilisation – Die Entdeckung der ältesten Hochkultur Europas. Munich: C. H. Beck.

Einführung in die Donauschrift (Helmut Buske, 2010).

Die Indoeuropäer – Herkunft, Sprachen, Kulturen. Munich: C. H. Beck.

Interacting with Figurines – Seven dimensions in the study of imagery (Full Circle Press, 2009).

(Co-edited with U. Ammon) Wieser Enzyklopädie der Sprachen Westeuropas (Wieser encyclopaedia of the languages of Western Europe), 2 vols. Klagenfurt: Wieser.

Introducing the Mythological Crescent – Ancient beliefs and imagery connecting Eurasia with Anatolia (Harrassowitz, 2008).

Weltgeschichte der Zahlen (C. H. Beck, 2008).

Letűnt Népek Lexikona – Az akkádoktól a vikingekig (Corvina, 2008).

Foundations of Culture – Knowledge-construction, belief systems and worldview in their dynamic interplay. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang, 2007).

Weltgeschichte der Sprachen – Von der Frühzeit des Menschen bis zur Gegenwart. Munich: C. H. Beck, 2006.

Lexikon der untergegangenen Völker: Von Akkader bis Zimbern (Encyclopaedia of extinct peoples: From Akkadians to Cimbrians). Munich: C. H. Beck.

Historie Potopy Svĕta – Po stopách raných civilizací (Paseka, 2005).

Schwarz – Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang.

Kleines Lexikon der Völker: Von Aborigines bis Zapoteken (Concise encyclopaedia of peoples: From Aborigines to Zapotecs). Munich: C. H. Beck.

Elementare Wortordnung in den Sprachen der Welt. Dokumentation und Analysen zur Entstehung von Wortfolgemustern (Elementary word order in the languages of the world. Documentation and analyses of the emergence of patterns of word order). Hamburg: Helmut Buske.

Geschichte der Sintflut. Auf den Spuren der frühen Zivilisationen (History of the Great Flood. In search of the early civilizations). Munich: C. H. Beck [2nd ed. 2005].

Geschichte der Schrift (History of writing). Munich: C. H. Beck [2nd ed. 2004 with Italian and Chinese translations].

Lexikon der untergegangenen Sprachen (Encyclopaedia of extinct languages). Munich: C. H. Beck [2nd ed. 2003].

Sprachenalmanach: Zahlen und Fakten zu allen Sprachen der Welt (Handbook of languages: Data and facts about all languages of the world). Frankfurt/New York: Campus.

Die Kleinsprachen der Welt: Existenzbedrohung und Überlebenschancen. Eine umfassende Dokumentation (The small languages of the world: Threats to their existence and chances of survival. A comprehensive documentation). Frankfurt/Berlin/New York: Peter Lang, 2001. 249 pp.

Babylonische Welt: Geschichte und Zukunft der Sprachen (The world of Babel: History and future of our languages). Frankfurt/New York: Campus.

Kleines Lexikon der Sprachen: Von Albanisch bis Zulu (Concise encyclopaedia of languages: From Albanian to Zulu). Munich: Beck, 2001. 455 pp. [2nd ed 2002].

Historia universal de la escritura (Spanish trans. of Universalgeschichte). Madrid: Gredos.

Religion und Autorität. Der Weg des Gottes ohne Konkurrenz (Religion and authority. The emergence of the god without competitors). Hildesheim/Zurich/New York: Olms.

Early Civilization and Literacy in Europe: An Inquiry into Cultural Continuity in the Mediterranean World. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Die Madonna und ihre griechischen Töchter. Rekonstruktion einer kulturhistorischen Genealogie (The Madonna and her Greek daughters. Reconstruction of a cultural-historical genealogy). Hildesheim/Zurich/New York: Olms.

(Volume editor) European Identity and Language Diversity. Sociolinguistica 9. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.

Die Sprachenwelt Europas: Geschichte und Zukunft der Sprachnationen zwischen Atlantik und Ural (The world of European languages: Past and present of the linguistic nations between the Atlantic and the Ural Mountains). Frankfurt/New York: Campus.

(Co-editor with U. Ammon). Status and Function of Languages in the Political Bodies of the European Community. Sociolinguistica 5. Max Niemeyer.

Basic aspects of language in human relations. Toward a general theoretical framework. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

(Co-editor with J.-R. Hwang). Aspects of Korean Sociolinguistics.  International Journal of the Sociology of Language 82. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Universalgeschichte der Schrift (Universal history of writing). Frankfurt/New York: Campus, 1990. 576 pp. [4th ed. 1998].

Language in its cultural embedding: Explorations in the relativity of signs and sign systems. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Symbolic values of foreign language use: From the Japanese case to a general sociolinguistic perspective. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1989. 291 pp.

Language in ethnicity. A view of basic ecological relations. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

(Co-editor with F.C.C. Peng). Sociolinguistics in Japan. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 58. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Elemente einer Soziologie der kleinen Sprachen Europas (Elements of a sociology of the smaller languages of Europe), 3 vols. Hamburg: Helmut Buske. vol. 1 (480 pp.); vol. 2 (419 pp.); vol. 3 (423 pp.):1979-1984.

Multilingualismus (Multilingualism), 2 vols. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.

(Volume editor) Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Beiträge zur Erforschung indogermanischer, finnisch-ugrischer und kaukasischer Sprachen bei Pallas (Historico-scientific contributions to the study of Indo-European, Finno-Ugric and Caucasian languages in the works of Peter Simon Pallas, eighteenth century). Hamburg: Helmut Buske.

Der lateinische Einfluss in den Interferenzzonen am Rande der Romania – Vergleichende Studien zur Sprachkontaktforschung (The impact of Latin in the zone of interference on the margins of the area of Romance languages – Comparative studies in contact linguistics). Hamburg: Helmut Buske.

Prinzipielle Probleme des multilateralen Sprachvergleichs (Principal problems of a multilateral comparison of languages). Tübingen: Gunter Narr.

(Volume editor) Die estnischen Grammatiken des 17. Heinrich Stahl 1637, Johann Gutslaff 1648 (The Estonian grammars of the seventeenth century). Jahrhunderts I. Hamburg: Helmut Buske.

(Volume editor) Die Erforschung arabischer Quellen zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der Slaven und Volgabulgaren (The investigation of Arabic sources about the Medieval history of the Slavs and Volga Bolgars). Hamburg: Helmut Buske.

Grundzüge der Sprachtypologie (Foundations of language typology). Stuttgart/Berlin/Cologne: Kohlhammer.

Aspekte der Arealtypologie (Aspects of areal linguistics). Tübingen: Gunter Narr.

Selected Articles

More than 80 entries on peoples in Europe in Native Peoples of the World, 3 vols. Steven L. Danver, ed. New York: M.E. Sharpe.

More than 50 entries as sole author and more than 10 entries with co-author Joan Marler in World History Encyclopedia, 21 vols. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

11 chapters in Popular Controversies in World History, 4 vols. Steven L. Danver, ed. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.


“Theoretische Grundlegung der Eurolinguistik als konstitutive Domäne der Europaforschung.” In Handbuch der Eurolinguistik. Uwe Hinrichs, ed., 25-50. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

“Die Sprachenlandschaft Europas.” In Handbuch der Eurolinguistik. Uwe Hinrichs, ed., 111-135.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

“Externe Linguistik (Soziolinguistik) der Sprachen Europas.”  In Handbuch der Eurolinguistik. Uwe Hinrichs, ed., 345-370. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

“Sprachkontakte und Fusion in den Sprachen Europas.” In Handbuch der Eurolinguistik. Uwe Hinrichs, ed., 553-576. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

“Alteuropa – Eine interdisziplinäre Expedition zu den Ursprüngen der sprachlichen und kulturellen Vielfalt Europas.” In Europa – Europäisierung – Europäistik.  Michael Gehler und   Silvio Vietta, eds., 39-74. Wien: Böhlau.


“Die stilistische Charakterisierung von Einzelsprachen: Möglichkeiten und Probleme.” In  Rhetorik und Stilistik – Ein internationales Handbuch historischer und systematischer Forschung/ Rhetorik and StylisticsAn International Handbook of Historical and Systematic Research, 2. Ulla Fix, Andreas Gardt, und Joachim Knape,  eds., 1979-1998. Halbband, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

“Romanische Sprachen als Publikationssprachen der Wissenschaft,” 19-20. Jahrhundert. In Romanische Sprachgeschichte – Ein internationales Handbuch zur Geschichte der           romanischen Sprachen/ Histoire linguistique de la Romania – Manuel international d´histoire linguistique de la Romania, 3. Teilband. Gerhard Ernst, Martin-Dietrich Gleßgen, Christian Schmitt, und Wolfgang Schweickard, eds., 3359-3370. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

“The Danube script and other ancient writing systems: A typology of distinctive features.” In Signs of Civilization: The Neolithic Symbol System of Southeast Europe. Papers from the International Symposium in Novi Sad, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, May 24-29, 2004. Joan Marler and Miriam Robbins Dexter, eds., 17-47. Sebastopol: Institute of Archaeomythology.

“Writing Technology in the Context of the Danube Civilization.” In The Danube Script in Light of the Turdas and Tartaria Discoveries. Zoia Maxim, Joan Marler, and Viorica Crisan, eds., 45-67.  Cluj-Napoca: National History Museum of Transylvania; Sebastopol: Institute of Archaeomythology.

“Originality and Continuity: Crucial Issues in the Study of the Danube Script.” In The Danube Script in Light of the Turdas and Tartaria Discoveries. Zoia Maxim, Joan Marler, and Viorica Crisan, eds., 111-128. Cluj-Napoca: National History Museum of Transylvania; Sebastopol: Institute of Archaeomythology.

“Il Danube Script come tecnologia ed ecologia culturale.” Prometeo 27, 106 (2007): 84-93.


“Lateinisch”; “Paläosardisch”; “Gotisch”; “Schriftentwicklung, Schriftgebrauch und Schriftlichkeit in Westeuropa”; “Suebisch”; “Vandalisch.” In Wieser Enzyklopädie – Sprachen des Europäischen Westens/ Wieser Encyclopaedia – Western European Languages, Bd. 2.  Ulrich Ammon, und Harald Haarmann, eds., 105-121, 329-331, 385-395, 429-449″; 523-524, 565-567.  Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag.

“A Comparative View of the Danube Script and Other Ancient Writing Systems.” In The Danube Script. Neo-Eneolithic Writing in Southeastern Europe. Joan Marler, ed., 11-22. Sebastopol: Institute of Archaeomythology.

“The Danube Script and its Legacy: Literacy as a Cultural Identifier in the Balkanic-Aegean Convergence Zone.” In The Danube Script. Neo-Eneolithic Writing in Southeastern Europe. Joan Marler, ed., 61-76.  Sebastopol, CA: Institute of Archaeomythology.

(Co-author with Joan Marler): “Reflections on the Origins of the Danube Script and its Role in the Communities of Early Agriculturalists.” In The Danube Script. Neo-Eneolithic Writing in Southeastern Europe. Joan Marler, ed., 3-9. Sebastopol, CA: Institute of Archaeomythology.

“On the fabric of Old World civilizations: Human response to the Black Sea flood and subsequent climatic changes.” Journal of Archaeomythology (online), archaeomythology.org.

“Abstandsprache—Ausbausprache (Abstand-Language—Ausbau- Language)”; “Sociolinguistic Aspects of Cultural Anthropology”; “Geschichte der Anwendungen der Soziolinguistik (History of Application of Sociolinguistics).” In Sociolinguistics/ Soziolinguistik: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society/ Ein internationals Handbuch zur Wissenschaft von Sprache und Gesellshaft, vol. 1 (2nd revised and extended edition). U. Ammon, N. Dittmar, K. J. Mattheier, and P. Trudgill, eds., 238-50, 769-85, 818-36,  Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter.

“Evolution, language, and the construction of culture.” In Handbook of evolution, vol. 1: The evolution of human societies and cultures. F. Wuketits, and C. Antweiler, eds., 77-119.  Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag.

“Prozesse sprachlichen Strukturwandels im Spannungsfeld von Kontaktlinguistik und Sprachtypologie” (Processes of linguistic-structural change in the dynamic fields of contact linguistics and language typology). In Die europäischen Sprachen auf dem Wege zum analytischen Sprachtyp (The European languages on their way to an analytic type of language). U. Hinrichs, ed., 67-85. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

“Weltsprachen, Universalsprachen und kultureller Realismus” (World languages, universal languages and cultural realism).  Europëische Sprachenpolitik (European language policy). R. Ahrens, ed., 139-161.  Heidelberg: Winter, 2003.

“Latein” (Latin); “Slovenisch” (Slovene); “Finnish.”  In Variationstypologie: Ein sprachtypologisches Handbuch der europäischen Sprachen/Variation typology. A typological handbook of European languages past and present. T. Roelcke, ed., 325-358, 684-703, 866-904. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2003.

“Language, economy and prestige in the context of Baltic-Fennic contacts.”  Studia Indogermanica Lodziensia 5 (2003): 109-124.

“On the formation process of Old World civilizations and the catastrophe that triggered it.” European Journal for Semiotic Studies 14: 519-593.

“Identity in transition: Cultural memory, language and symbolic Russianness.”  In Beyond boundaries: Language and identity in contemporary Europe. P. Gubbins, P. Holt, and M. Holt, eds., 59-72. Clevedon/Buffalo/Toronto: Multilingual Matters, 2002.

“Modelli di civiltà a confronto nel mondo antico: la diversità funzionale degli antichi sistemi di scrittura” (Contrasting models of civilization in antiquity: the functional diversity of ancient writing systems).  In Origini della scrittura. Genealogie di un´invenzione (Origins of writing. Genealogies of an invention).  G. Bocchi, and M. Ceruti, eds., 28-57.  Milan: Mondadori, 2002.

“Sprachenvielfalt im Globalisierungsprozess” (Linguistic diversity in the process of globalization). Deutsch – Englisch – Europäisch. Impulse für eine neue Sprachpolitik (German – English – European. Impulses for a new language politics).  R. Hoberg, ed., 9-29. Mannheim/Leipzig: Dudenverlag, 2002.

(co-author with Eugene Holman) “The impact of English as a language of science in Finland and its role for the transition to network society.”  In The dominance of English as a language of science – Effects on other languages and language communities. U. Ammon, ed., 229-260. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2001.

“Sprachtypologie und Schriftgeschichte” (Language typology and history of writing).  In Language typology and language universals.  M. Haspelmath et al., eds., 163-180. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2001.

“The soul of Mother Russia: Russian symbols and pre-Russian cultural identity.”  ReVision 23 (2000): 6-16.

“Die grossen Sprachensammlungen vom frühen 18. bis frühen 19. Jahrhundert” (The great compilations of languages from the early eighteenth to the early nineteenth century).  In History of the language sciences / Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften / Histoire des sciences du langage.  S. Auroux, et al., eds., 1081-1094.  Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2000.

“Russische Identität und geopolitische Realitäten im Spiegel der postsowjetischen Sprachkontakte” (Russian identity and geopolitical realities in the mirror of post-Soviet language contacts).  In Sprachwandel in der Slavia: Die slavischen Sprachen an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Ein internationales Handbuch (Language change in the Slavia: The Slavic languages on the verge of the 21th century. An international handbook). L. N. Zybatow, ed., 725-749. Frankfurt/Berlin/New York: Peter Lang, 2000.

“Nation und Sprache in Russland” (Nation and language in Russia).  In Nation und Sprache: Die Diskussion ihres Verhältnisses in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Nation and language: The discussion of its relationship past and present).  A. Gardt, ed., 747-824.  Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2000.

“Constructing culture: The realm of sign systems and beyond.”  Semiotica 132 (2000): 343-371.

“Das Wörterbuchprojekt Katharinas der Grossen: Ein Paradebeispiel aufklärerischer Kulturpolitik in Russland” (Catherine the Great’s project of a comparative dictionary: An illustrative example of culture politics in the era of the Russian enlightenment). European Journal for Semiotic Studies 11 (1999): 207-258.

“Eurolinguistik, europäische Kulturwissenschaft und Europaforschung” (Eurolinguistics, European cultural sciences and research on Europe).  In Eurolinguistik: Ein Schritt in die Zukunft (Eurolinguistics: A step toward the future). N. Reiter, ed., 11-39.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999.

“Schriftentwicklung und Schriftgebrauch in Südosteuropa vor der Verbreitung des Alphabets.” Handbuch der Südosteuropa-Linguistik (Handbook of the languages of Southeastern Europe). U. Hinrichs, ed., 185-209.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999.

“On the problem of primary and secondary diffusion of Indo-Europeans and their languages.” Journal of Indo-European Studies 26 (1998):391-419.

“On the role of Russian in the post-Soviet era: Aspects of an orderly chaos.”  Plurilinguismo 5 (1998): 75-88.

“The kinship of the Virgin Mary: Profile of a cultural archetype.” Cultures of the Goddess, Part 1. ReVision 20 (1998): 17-24.

“Writing technology and the abstract mind.”  Semiotica 122 (1998): 69-97.

“Writing technology in the ancient Mediterranean and the Cyprian connection.”  Mediterranean Language Review 9 (1997): 43-73.

“The development of sign conceptions in the evolution of human cultures.”  Semiotik: Ein Handbuch zu den zeichentheoretischen Grundlagen von Natur und Kultur/Semiotics / A handbook on the sign-theoretic foundations of nature and culture, vol. 1.  R. Posner, K. Robering, and T. A. Sebeok, eds., 668-710.  Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

“Aspects of early Indo-European contacts with neighboring cultures.”  Indogermanische Forschungen 101 (1996): 1-14.

“Europeanness, European identity and the role of language: Giving profile to an anthropological infrastructure.”  Sociolinguistica 9 (1995): 1-55

“Writing from Old Europe to ancient Crete: A case of cultural continuity.”  Journal of Indo-European Studies 17 (1989): 251-277.

Honors / Awards

International Peace Prize, United Cultural Convention, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

American Medal of Honor, American Biographical Institute.

Man of the Year, American Biographical Institute, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Great Mind of the 21st Century, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK.

“Prix logos,” Association européenne des linguistes et des professeurs de langues, Paris.

“Premio Jean Monnet” (for essay writing), Genova, Italy.

Honorary Memberships

Member of the Founding Council of the “World Peace and Diplomacy Forum,” Cambridge, UK.

Honorary member of the “World Rock Art Academy,” Skopje, Macedonia.

Secretary-General of the “United Cultural Convention,” Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

Biographical Information About Harald Haarmann

“Analisi tipologica e condizionamenti sociali delle lingue in Harald Haarmann” (Typological analysis and social conditions of languages in the works of Harald Haarmann), doctoral dissertation-tesi di laurea by Paola Marletta (Milan, 1987).

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