Marco Merlini, Ph.D.
Marco Merlini, Ph.D., is a cultural manager, journalist and archaeo-semiologist. He is Executive Director of the InnovaNet and EURO INNOVANET research institutes and is General Director of the Prehistory Knowledge Project in Rome, Italy. He is the Coordinator of M.U.S.E.U.M. — the network of the archaeological, historical and prehistoric museums of European capital cities — and the “Virtual Museum of European Roots.” He is also Director of Communications of the Institute of Archaeomythology and is the author of La scrittura è nata in Europa (2004) and numerous articles on the Danube script.
Educational Background
Doctorate cum laude, ” Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania.
Masters Degree in Political Science, University of Turin, Italy.
Degree of Csi (Centro studi informatici):“Statistica e programmazione.”
Degree cum Laude and Honorable Mention in Political Sciences, University of Turin.
Professional Background
2007 ongoing
Coordinator of F-M.U.S.E.U.M., the network of the archaeological, historical and prehistoric museums.
2005 ongoing
Vice-coordinator at Parta excavation (Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu).
2004 ongoing
Director of the project “Focus on Tartaria” (Romania) under the auspices of the Prehistory Knowledge Project.
Director of Communications of the Institute of Archaeomythology
Director of research Human resources development (Isfol)
Director of research activity for PARTICIPA Project (Isfol)
Coordinator of the project Promotion of R&D spin off (Oliver – Abruzzo Region)
2003 ongoing
Coordinator of the “Virtual Museum of the European Roots”.
Coordinator of M.U.S.E.U.M., the network of the archaeological, historical and prehistoric museums of European capital cities.
Coordinator of the Dossier Danubio e Balcani, l’Europa si incontra (Municipality of Rome)
2002 ongoing
Executive Director of the research institute EURO INNOVANET srl,
2001 ongoing
General Director of the Prehistory Knowledge Project,
1998 ongoing
Director of the Book Series on cultural and social innovation, “InnovaMente,” for the Avverbi Publishing Company
1996 ongoing
Senior consultant to the Municipality of Rome- Dept. XIV.
Executive Director of the research institute InnovaNet srl.
1989 ongoing
Professional journalist
1984 ongoing
Project leader in various cultural and social researches carried out by the Municipality of Rome, University of Rome, Bocconi University, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labour, Istituto Tagliacarne, Società Generale d’Informatica, Formez, Ecoter, Telecom, Enea, Mediocredito, Ispa, Isfol, Formez, Movimento del Cittadino, Tecnikon, Eurispes, CentoSud, Irspel, AF Forum, Dioguardi spa, Cras, and Triennale.
Project leader in various European Projects under the programmes Adapt, Leonardo, Integra, Youth for Europe, Cities, R3L, Fifth Framework, Equal, Equality for Women and Men programme.
La scrittura è nata in Europa. Rome: Avverbi Publishing Company.
Cities best practices. City of Rome
Né occupato, né disoccupato. Rome: Ediesse.
Imparare l’eccellenza in sette mosse. Consorzio B.A.S.E.
Gli enonni alla scoperta di Internet. Municipality of Rome
Apprendere dalle cooperative di successo. Consorzio B.A.S.E.
Internet e le nuove religioni. Rome: Avverbi Publishing Company.
La voglia di contatti come molla per l’autosperimentazione collettiva. SIPI.
(with Giulio Marcon and Mario Pianta) Lavori scelti: come creare occupazione nel terzo settore. Torino: Edizioni Gruppo Abele.
Affetto: costi e ricavi. Rome: Koinè.
(ed) Friendly: almanacco della società italiana. Milano: Anabasi.
In press
(with Gheorghe Lazarovici). “Settling discovery circumstances, dating and utilization of the Tărtăria tablets.” Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis V, University of Sibiu.
(with Gheorghe Lazarovici). “Tărtăria tablets: Fresh evidence on an archaeological thriller.” BAR International.
“Segni di scrittura su oggetti della ceramica Precucuteni e Cucuteni?” in
Ursulescu (ed.), Cucuteni. Tesori di una civiltà preistorica dei Carpazi. Rome-Iasi.
“The Danube Script and Turdaş.” In Danube script-Turdaş script: The oldest Neolithic Script in the World. Cluj.
“Evidence of the Danube Script in Neighboring Areas: Serbia, Bulgaria,
Greece, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.” In Danube script -Turdaş script: The oldest Neolithic Script in the World. Cluj
“Challenging Some Myths about the Tărtăria Tablets: Icons of the Danube Script.” The Journal of Archaeomythology 4, No,1 (Winter),
“A semiotic matrix to distinguish between decorations and signs of writing in the Danube civilization.” In Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis VI. University of Sibiu.
“The Gradešnica script revisited.” In Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis V. University of Sibiu.
“Milady Tărtăria and the riddle of dating Tărtăria tablets.” (online) Prehistory Knowledge Project, Rome.
(with Gh. Lazarovici and M. Lazarovici). “Parţa archaeological excavations the deer house (casa cerbului) 1-15 July, 2005.” (online) Prehistory Knowledge Project.
“The ‘Danube Script’ and the Gradesnica Platter.” In RPRP 6-7. Salt Lake City: University of Utah.
“Semiotic approach to the features of the ‘Danube Script.’” In Documenta Praehistorica XXXII. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana.
(with Gheorghe Lazarovici). “New archaeological data refering to Tărtăria tablets.” In Documenta Praehistorica XXXII: 205-219. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana.
“La Civiltà del Danubio.” Hera (October).
“Scrisul sacru al comunităţilor Neo-eneolitice.” Dacia 22.
“Grande Diluvio, Danube Writing, rivoluzione geometrica del paleolitico superiore.” In Atti dell’Incontro di studi preistorici. Pitigliano.
“Civilizaţiei danubiene.” Dacia 13.
“Rădăcinile adânci ale civilizaţiei danubiene.” Dacia 12.
ALLLE final conference. Municipality of Rome, SIPI.
“Osservatorio Web sulle buone esperienze di lifelong learning finalizzate all’occupazione.” Comune di Genova.
“ALLLE interpretation and sustain.” Berlin: German Ministry of Education.
“To start again from books.” Municipality of Genova.
“Una rete glocale che apprende moltiplicandosi e si moltiplica apprendendo.” FormaMente. Ministero del Lavoro
“The Vision of MU.S.EU.M. on the “Virtual Museum of The European Roots.” In Allaxia reports.
“Sovana: scoperta una nuova tomba.” Archeologia Viva 101.
“Paznic şi profet al sanctuarului scrisului lumii, Milady Tărtăria rupe tăcerea după 7300 de ani.” Dacia 14.
“Codul secret al Marii Ţesătoare.” Dacia 10.
“Building a virtual museum: reference patterns of professional skills, training requirements.” SIPI.
“Trovata la più antica sfera oracolare?” Archeologia Viva 99.
“Romania a rischio.” Archeologia Viva (gennaio-febbraio).
“Characteristics, extent, profile of European museums’ websites.” SIPI.
“Scrierea Dunării: trei sfidări pentru present.” Dacia 5.
“Arte rupestre. Messaggi da Skopje.” Archeologia Viva 97.
“Scrisuri primordiale din Vechea Europa.” Dava International.
“La sapienza matematica del primo europeo.” Hera 48.
“Il codice segreto della grande Tessitrice.” Hera 45.
“Scrisuri primordiale din Vechea Europa.” Dava International.
“Quando la Grande Dea ci insegnò a scrivere.” Hera 39.
“On the Origins of Balkan-Danube Writing.” World IFRAO Congress, Skopje.
“A Writing System in Southestern Europe.” World IFRAO Congress, Skopje.
“Per creare non è mai troppo tardi.” Inoltre 6.
“Inscriptions and messages of the Balkan-Danube script.” Dava International.
“Trovata la prima scrittura del Nuovo Mondo.” Hera 37
“Scoperta una ‘scrittura paleolitica’? Hera 35.
“Le politiche locali per lo sviluppo e la società dell’informazione.” In La città intelligente. Comune di Rome
“Le professioni verdi.” Rapporto Eurispes 1995. Koinè
“Il costo della salute e le risorse umane.” Rapporto Eurispes 1995. Koinè.
“L’editoria elettronica: il mercato dei cd-rom per lo sviluppo professionale.” Rapporto Eurispes 1995. Koinè.
Archaeological memberships
- World Rock Art Academy